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Check the list to see when we will be in your neighborhood.  The list will be updated as more dates are confirmed.

Mar 1-3, Kentucky Beef Expo, KY Fair & Expo Center, Louisville, KY

March 29-30, Premier 10/Midwest Elite Sheep & Goat Sales, Indiana State Fairgrounds

March 29-31, Indiana Equine Roundup, C bar C Expo Center, Cloverdale, IN

April 27, Indiana Premier Sheep Sale, Hancock County Fairgrounds, Greenfield, IN

May 5, Heart of Indiana Dairy Goat Show, Johnson County Fairgrounds, Franklin, IN

May TBA, "Racing To The Heartland” Regional Boer Goat Show, Hancock County Fairground, Greenfield, IN

May 18th, Crossroads Classic Open Sheep Show, Johnson County Fairgrounds, Franklin, IN

May 19th, Crossroads Classic Open Swine Show, Johnson County Fairgrounds, Franklin, IN

July 14-20, Johnson County Fair, Franklin, IN

July 25-28, Youth Sheep Expo, Hancock County Fairgrounds, Greenfield, IN